Thursday, April 4, 2013

The World Music Experiment: Introduction

Hello to all of you out there to all of you who subscribe to this blog. Allow me to more formally introduce myself. My name is Lester St. Louis, I also for other creative purposes go by the pseudonym Distonal. I am a 19 year old multi - instrumentalist, (primarily cellist and bassist), and composer based in New York city. I like to believe that I have accumulated a considerable amount of knowledge on various styles, forms, types of music, and sound art from the world. With said information I hope to help you all become better acquainted with world music and other topics in music ranging from style and form, to history, theory and everything in between. For this to be thoroughly interesting, I will need a lot of user feedback letting me know if they want more or if something is hard to follow and so on. You can do so via the Facebook page, or leave a comment on the articles. Now that we are all better acquainted lets start off lightly. I believe that we shall start with the music of Latin America. Latin American music is music that originates from the regions of Central America to South America (Mexico downward connected land). Latin America has had a very substantial amount of genres and styles to come out; such as the Samba, Forro, and Bossa Novas of Brasil, The tango, and Chacarera's of Argentina, as well as the Salsa, Merengue, Bolero, raggaeton, and many other forms from these regions. In the coming time we will cover all the different forms of Latin American music as well as enjoying a lot of it along the way. Don't worry we will also cover every other region of the world and their native music styling, as well as their contemporary scenes. I hope this doesn't sound too over ambitious, but we have all the time in the world. I will (try my very best) to post a new volume every Wednesday here, so look out for it. In the mean time enjoy one of my favorite tunes from Brasil. This is a Bossa Nova by Joao Gilberto called ''O sapo''. The language is Portuguese for all of you wondering.
 Side note- Joao Gilberto played a seminal part in establishing the form known as Bossa Nova.

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